EGP Nicotine Pouch | Alternate Solution to Smoking


Quitting smoking or vaping is challenging for addicted persons due to constant Nicotine and Tobacco addiction. Taking Nicotine in large quantities can be harmful to human health, including the mind and organs. Cigarettes or vaping contains carcinogens in the form of tobacco that harms the lungs through inhaling.

Nicotine Pouches can be the alternate solution to smoking or vaping due to the lack of carcinogens that can cause tissue cancer. However, it is not completely safe and recommended, but safer than smoking or inhaling Nicotine. This article is about the EGP Nicotine Pouch and provides a detailed description.

What is the EGP Nicotine Pouch?

EGP Nicotine pouch is an alternate way of taking the nicotine that is free from smoke and tobacco. These branded items are made with high-quality ingredients and technology through pure synthetic pharmaceutical nicotine.

Organic cellulose compounds and other essential ingredients are used to make a Nicotine Pouch. The thick material helps users keep nicotine in their mouth without inhaling and absorbing it without smoking or swallowing.

Kinds of Pouches

EGP Nicotine Pouch is available in three types based on users’ interests and preferences. These are made of specific materials, such as dry pouches, semi-moist pouches, and moist pouches.

These products are prepared using natural and artificial ingredients. Standard packing keeps the products’ characteristics sustainable in different conditions. Premium-quality raw ingredients keep the pouches fresh and long-lasting.

Product Quality and Standards

International standards and production quality are ensured for export quality. Food-grade plastic, based on EU standards, is used in the packing of Nicotine pouches and is completely biodegradable. Non-woven fabrics from the UK are utilized in the making of the product. Different factors are ensured to keep the product away from the external environment during dispatching.

EGP Nicotine Pouch Flavors

EGP Nicotine pouches are available in different flavors based on the users’ liking, such as Watermelon nicotine, Mango nicotine, Grape nicotine, Citrus Chill nicotine, Blueberry nicotine, Energy Drink nicotine, Ice Mint nicotine, and Spearmint nicotine. These pouches are free from tobacco.

Strength of Nicotine Pouches

Nicotine Pouches are available in different customized strengths based on the Nicotine quantity and other strong tastes. These pouches’ strength ranges from 3mg to 20mg with cool and gentle taste effects. Customization can help users to gain more strength in taste and flavors. Other strength ranges are 6mg, 9mg, and 14mg.

How to Use Nicotine Pouches?

Nicotine pouches can be used easily by peeling off the lid. The products are prepared in packets that cannot be inhaled. After the lid is off, pouches are placed between lips and teeth. Users can enjoy the flavor for sixty minutes. Moreover, keep the top lid after peeling off.


EGP Nicotine pouch provides an alternate solution to smoking or tobacco-addicted persons. It is safer than harmful tobacco nicotine, which can harm the lungs and other body organs. Specific quality and product packing prevent the persons from swallowing or inhaling the nicotine pouch. Moreover, these products are tobacco-free with a minor quantity of Nicotine.

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