The Future of Vaping – Is More Power The Answer?


During my Ijoy Maxo review, I used a 4-battery mod for the first time. Just earlier this year everyone was excited about the Wismec Reuleaux RX200S, which with 3 batteries could easily fire up to 200w and yet have great battery life.

It makes me wonder, is this what 2017 is going to be about? More power, more batteries, larger devices? Seems very single track to me.

It seems like the most natural path, since the amount of cloud chasers, and the noise they make, easily drown out other type of vapers. But let’s not forget that a lot of vapers out there are perfectly happy with their DNA40 mod, and something like a Kayfun 5 or Narda.

The market is huge, but a lot of new devices focus on the cloud chasers. This is the group that is constantly looking for more power and larger devices. I mean, we’re talking about devices that can do 315 watts, yet I’ve only vaped at about 90 watts, once.

In my opinion, the problem is in the batteries we use in our devices.

For all the innovation that we see in the vaping community, everyone still uses the same 18650 or 26650 batteries. Only a handful of companies make these batteries, and they do not seem to be innovating much.

So the equation is simple; more batteries = more power = bigger clouds.

Yet, if any of these companies – Samsung, Sony, LG and Panasonic – made a battery that was 30% more efficient, all of a sudden the industry would be moving in a completely different direction.

I mean think about it..

There was a time when phones got smaller and smaller. Then the iPhone happened, and phones got bigger and bigger. A complete reversal of the trend, because of new capabilities.

(I’ve also seen in recent months, the move towards touch screen mods. The new Yihi mod for example, in my opinion is horribly wrong and horribly ugly. But this trend I think will turn out ok.)

Its only common sense that a touch screen device is going to demand more battery life, yet we’re all still using the same batteries. We’re building around the problem, instead of addressing it.

I’ve read that the costs of battery research is huge. That’s probably why only a handful of companies can afford to make them, and a host of others just rewrap them.

If thats the case; if even big companies like Joyetech and Kangertech cannot afford to push battery technology; then 2017 will indeed be about more batteries and more power.

What do YOU think?

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