My High-End Squonk RDAs & RDTAs


In 2017 there was a serious lack of affordable squonking RDAs. When I first published my list of best squonking RDAs I had to hunt for them. Today, squonking is becoming more mainstream.

Over about 6 months, I collected a lot of high-end squonk RDA. These were mostly single coil RDAs, and most of them involved getting into some Facebook group. I have explain more about how to buy high-end vape gear in this post.

I’ve also collected a lot of different topcaps. These cost about $20 or more, so they are not cheap either. The main reason I had to get these caps are because of the heat problem with the includes stainless steel topcaps. Also, it helps to get a nice looking topcap to match your mod and setup

The high-end RDAs featured in this video are:

  1. The Haku Phenom
  2. The Flave 24 by Alliancetech Vapor
  3. The Flave 22 Titanium by Alliancetech Vapor
  4. The Solo RDA by Dee Mods
  5. The Soul S RDA by Van & Del
  6. The Hobo Drifter by Hobo Customs
  7. The Vaponaute Le Concorde
  8. The Nyx RDA
  9. The Hussar RDTA by Hussar Vapes
  10. The Entheon RDA by Psyclone Mods
  11. The Ultimate Level 1 by GOM
  12. The Gas Mods Nixon V1.5

This is a follow-up to my earlier video about the best squonking RDAs. In that video I also cover some affordable ones like the Oumier Wasp Nano.

This is not a review per-se, more of a show-n-tell. I hope you enjoyed it though. Check out also my high-end squonk mods collection video and my stabwood mods collection video.

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