My High-End Squonk RDAs & RDTAs
In 2017 there was a serious lack of affordable squonking RDAs. When I first published my list of best squonking RDAs I had to hunt for them. Today, squonking is becoming more mainstream.
Over about 6 months, I collected a lot of high-end squonk RDA. These were mostly single coil RDAs, and most of them involved getting into some Facebook group. I have explain more about how to buy high-end vape gear in this post.
I’ve also collected a lot of different topcaps. These cost about $20 or more, so they are not cheap either. The main reason I had to get these caps are because of the heat problem with the includes stainless steel topcaps. Also, it helps to get a nice looking topcap to match your mod and setup
The high-end RDAs featured in this video are:
- The Haku Phenom
- The Flave 24 by Alliancetech Vapor
- The Flave 22 Titanium by Alliancetech Vapor
- The Solo RDA by Dee Mods
- The Soul S RDA by Van & Del
- The Hobo Drifter by Hobo Customs
- The Vaponaute Le Concorde
- The Nyx RDA
- The Hussar RDTA by Hussar Vapes
- The Entheon RDA by Psyclone Mods
- The Ultimate Level 1 by GOM
- The Gas Mods Nixon V1.5
This is a follow-up to my earlier video about the best squonking RDAs. In that video I also cover some affordable ones like the Oumier Wasp Nano.
This is not a review per-se, more of a show-n-tell. I hope you enjoyed it though. Check out also my high-end squonk mods collection video and my stabwood mods collection video.